Reasons Why People Cheat

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Are They Cheating?

The uncertainty of your partners fidelity can literally ruin your life.

If you are a commited member of a partnership, the suspicion, that your partner may not be as commited or even straying, can weigh heavily on your mind.

Thoughts of what they may be doing right now,scream across your consciousness all the time. You can't focus on your work, or any other activity. Like a cancer destroying your body, these thoughts, are destroying your mind.

Chinese water torture would be a relief compared to what you are going through. You need to stop it- right now.

Do whatever you need to do, to preserve your sanity. Think about how you want to handle the situation, when you confront yor partner. Keep your cool. If emotions get to take over, you may say things, or do something that is stupid and that you will regret later.

You might decide to gather proof first. Look out for telltale signs, changes in behavior, change in shedule etc. A sudden loss of sexualappetite with you,should send off warning bells.

If at all possible, try and get some help, to see you through this time. Friends or professional help is important. Get some information and facts about your options, and how to handle the situation.

Unless you want to go absolutely mad, resolve the issue some way.

An affair need not be the end of a relationship, thoughit very often is. Either way,the level of trust that existed before the incident, needs to be reestablished.

Counseling and a renewed look at your mutual value system is mandatory. A permanent dissolution of the partnership may not always be the optimum solution. Always try and get an unbiased opinion, before making any huge decisions.

Whatever happens, remember that true love can conquer all.

About The Author

Who is Udo Vieth? He is fast becoming an expert on love, relationship, romance. Apart from being a qualified EFT and Biofeedback practitioner, he has been through the mill as far as relationships go. He is presently in a fulfilling relationship, but remembers the pitfalls all too well. He has set up a website: where information regarding all aspects of relationships, as well as some freebies are available.

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WINSTON GROOVY.your cheating heart.HORSE UK ORIG.TROJANUS $9.06 (0 Bid) End Date: Sunday Jul-09-2006 5:44:28 PDTBid now Add to watch list

Excerpt from 'Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time' (USA Today)Excerpt from 'Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time'

Sympathy for the Devils? (Independent Weekly)In the sports pages of the nation's newspapers, my home state of North Carolina is always well represented.

posted by femme_in_love at 7:45 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Check Out The Cheater's Checklist

Ask yourself these questions

Does your partner spend a lot of time on line?

Do they have other email accounts, do they use the computer after you have gone to bed, have they changed the passwords on your computer, maybe they delete all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate.

It's common for a cheating partner to use e-mail to communicate with their lover. Some of the telltale signs in this category may also be an indication of involvement in an on line or cyber affair. Don't take this lightly. These affairs can be as harmful to your marriage as the real thing. Though they may not involve sexual contact, the emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and can quickly progress from cyberspace to physical reality.

Does your home phone ring and when "you" answer it there's no one there.

Illicit affairs depend on repeated contact; many of which take place by phone. These telltale signs of infidelity are relatively easy to find. Some people take the risk of calling their lovers from home or having their lovers call them at home.

Check your partner's mobile phone, look at the call log, incoming, outgoing, missed and deleted calls. Check the messaging, texts in and out and deleted

Does your partner have little or no interest in sex? Or have they changed their sexual habits

Be alert for any type of changes in the frequency or the quality of your sex life together. Most important of all: If you suspect your partner of having an affair, take steps to protect yourself. Do not put yourself at risk from HIV/AIDS, herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Perhaps you find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy or maybe he carries condoms, and you are on the pill.

Take a few minutes to look over your partner's car; have they removed the kid's stuff or the baby seat?

The car can be a rich source of telltale signs. The glove compartment, car seats (underneath and between), the spare tyre well, under the sun visor, the ashtray, the side pockets or compartments, under the floor mats and other nooks and crannies can reveal a wealth of information .Has the passenger seat in the car has been moved and is not in the usual position.

Do their clothes smell different, like a lover's perfume or aftershave?

Has your partner recently started working late or has to attend lots of late meetings?

Business is commonly used as an excuse to account for large blocks of time away from home. Partners often use their jobs as a cover for extramarital affairs. Your partner's work habits will undoubtedly change as the affair unfolds.

Affairs generally require a considerable amount of time. There are only 24 hours in a day; your partner's absences will become increasingly more frequent as they try to steal time from other activities.

Has your partner changed their style of clothes i.e.: trying to look younger?

People having an affair (or even thinking about having one) will want to make themselves more attractive. They will begin to enhance his appearance in some way. Be alert for changes in wardrobe, grooming, physical appearance and personal hygiene.

These are usually the most visible signs of infidelity. If they embark on a drastic self-induced makeover, it's probably not for you.

Do they act nervous or fidgety whenever the name of a colleague or friend of the opposite/same sex is mentioned or talked about?

Studies show that we are more likely to have an affair with someone we already know, someone that they come into contact with on a regular basis a neighbour, a colleague, a family friend or business associate.

If you're observant, you may be able to determine the identity of your partner's lover by the way they behaves in their presence.

Does your partner hide the credit card bills and banks statements?

Affairs cost money. If your partner has a lover, they will want to wine and dine them entertain and buy the occasional gifts. No matter how carefully they cover their tracks; sooner or later this will be reflected in the family finances. Stay alert for financial signs of infidelity.

Be especially vigilant around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged. During the holidays and various other times throughout the year, you may find gifts or cards hidden around your home or in the car. Receipts or credit card bills for gifts may turn up shortly before or after Christmas and Valentine's Day.

About The Author

Geoff Davies is the Webmaster of Infidelity Resources.

Please visit his website at or contact him at

Sports, economics mix in new book (The Herald-Tribune)"Sports are entertainment. Sports do not often change our world; rather they serve as a distraction from our world."

People 6/26 (Denver Post)Katharine McPhee, the latest "American Idol" runner-up, tells People magazine in its recent issue she "struggled with bulimia for five years" and that the Fox talent show "saved my life." After successfully auditioning for "Idol" last fall, McPhee, 22, sought help.

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posted by femme_in_love at 5:15 PM 0 comments

Who's Cheating?

When it comes to healthy love relationships, we just may be cheating ourselves out of a lifetime of romance and passion. This article is going to help you get back on track!

Nothing is as exciting as New Love! The sunshines even when it's raining and every minute you spend with your beloved is filled with energy and excitement. You just can't get enough of each other. Well, what happened? Why and when did Mr./Ms. Perfect, turn into Mr./Ms. Okay?

Beyond serious dysfunctions such as abuse or addictions, I'm about to let you in on some secrets that will put Relationship Counselors out of business. Even myself, but I'm willing to take that risk! First we are going to look at where you've allowed your life to go. We'll get to your partner later.

When you first fell in love, you were also in love with the way you felt. Putting your best face forward was a high priority. You took time preparing yourself to be with your beloved. Your self-esteem was heightened in the process. It wasn't the other person improving your self-esteem. You were doing it for yourself by taking time to take very good care of you. Spend some time reflecting on those days, reliving those feelings, especially how you were feeling about yourself at the time.

When you are done with your reflections, answer the following questions. No one will see your answers, so you can be brutally honest with yourself:

· When did you start cheating on yourself?
· When did you allow the care you were taking of yourself to slip into the daily doldrums?
· Did you start gaining weight, or otherwise begin to let yourself go?
· Did you start losing your manners?
· Did the cold reality of life edge out the fantasy and flowers?
· Did that self-esteem you felt for yourself get lost somewhere along the line?
· How are you treating yourself and others today?

How do you feel about the questions you answered? Did you find an area that you might want to focus on for self-improvement?

It's time to start falling in love with you all over again; this is one of the biggest secrets. There are no worthy excuses. Even if you have kids, two jobs, pets, and a busy social calendar, you still have time for yourself make it! Even an extra ten minutes in the morning to spend time on your appearance or to meditate will work wonders.

Start touching yourself more, explore your whole body, caress it, and hug it. Pamper it with lotions and massages, and make sure you look your best every day. If you are upset about your body image, that's fixable. Find one thing you can do today to start adoring your body. Do that a little each day, you will see a difference soon and that will help you appreciate your body more.

Fill your senses with pleasure, good smelling things, good looking things, and tasting and feeling good things too. Play music that you love and allow yourself to really enjoy it. No matter where you are, or what you're doing, find something that delights your senses. Even the small things count!

Start looking for anything you can think of to allow yourself pleasure in your life. Let it bubble up from deep inside of you. If you aren't hurting yourself or other people, then do it! Self-care is never selfish and we all deserve the best!

As you are working at finding joy in yourself and life once again, make a couple of lists. The first list is everything you love about your life right now. Breathing, listening to birds in the morning, no matter how simple, if you love it, write it down. Next, write down everything you want to do or have in your life, and why. Even if it seems totally impossible, write it down anyway.

One list is to remind you that life is beautiful even when you're having a bad day. Carry it with you and use it. The other list is for you to focus on giving yourself everything you want in this lifetime. Even the impossible things might become possible in the future. Working towards them will help you get ready for the possibilities. You can also find valuable treasures on the way whether you reach the end results the way that you have them listed or not.

When you are ready, share these things with your partner. Share your wants and your fantasies and let him/her know you intend on fulfilling them and would enjoy his/her company. This is the time you can invite your beloved back into your life as a treasured guest, and treat them that way too, always. Let them know lovingly what you need from them too.

A romantic, passionate life is yours, be fearless about living it! Share it with your partner in delicious bite size morsels and watch what blooms and grows! Remember, you are welcome to email me at anytime if you would like more suggestions or have any ideas of your own to add to this article.

About The Author

Tracy Togliatti is a Registered Reiki Master through the Global Reiki Association and an Energy Psychology Practitioner. Tracy is also acting Director of, where she offers a Free Advice service and free email Reiki lessons. You may contact her anytime here

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posted by femme_in_love at 8:00 AM 0 comments

Why Is "Desperate Housewives" So Popular?

Infidelity and extramarital affairs are rife.

TV shows come and go. "Desperate Housewives" being all the rage for a time. Oprah even raved about it, as many women swoon at the male stars. However now the men shake their heads in disbelief at the infidelity and other goings on.


Is it all a sign of the times. Remember "Sex in the City?"

Women being more emancipated, have more freedom, and more resources than anytime in the past. So what does all that mean. Well for one thing, they are now more prepared to publically show their frustrations. They don't just accept that the man is out there doing his thing which does not always consist of just going out to work to bring in the bacon. Men having always had the freedom to roam, have taken this to the extreme. They have often left behind trailsof broken hearts and shattered families in their wake.

Now though, women are starting to get on the bandwagon.

Sexual emancipation is now no longer gender related. Both sexes are now equal. Infidelity is on the increase. Recent statistics suggest that up to 40% of women and at least 60% of men, have had outside relationship affairs at some time in their life. In studies performed recently, couple therapists however reported a 50% increase in female infidelity! The possiblity thus exists that someone close to is, was, or will be cheating on their partner!

OK, so the women are fighting back but most men have no clue that their wives are having an affair. Most men find out the day their wife asks for a divorce.

This is a life shattering experience, (trust me I know).

Very few women become overnight cheaters though. The signs may have been there all along. There are usually stages of development, to the state of infidelity. Often, both partners contribute to these stages. Warning signs that not all is right, actually appear long before the actual physical act of infidelity. Usually most partners, don't spot them until its too late though.

Why do they do it?

Knowing the why, could be great help in protecting yourself from being at the wrong end of an adulterous relationship. Here are some reasons, which you may or may not understand. Just be aware that they can apply to men and women nowadays.

Trophy hunters. Am I attractive, powerful, rich (insert your own attribute) ..enough to get that person to have sex with me?

Lack of a truly intimate relationship. This may be either real or perceived. Some couples just don't have matching sex drives, leading to problems.

Revenge. As silly as it sounds, this is a huge reason for infidelity. He or she did this to me, so I will get back at them by having an affair as well. Totally illogical in your mind, but not in theirs.

Addictive behaviour, sexual tendencies, confusion or trauma.

Low self esteem. Am I really good enough. If someone is willing to have sex with me, that proves that I'm OK

Lack of love in the relationship. A feeling of not being cared for, lets the partner look for this missing feeling outside the relationship. This then often leads to sex.


So what are the signs?

Well if you are in a loveless relationship, you by probably already know that the potential for problems exist. There may of course be other signs as well.

A sudden interest to work more overtime, is a red flag.
Spending less time at home.
Receiving phone calls at strange hours and then not sharing the callers identity, are all suspicious.
Etc etc.

Those are the obvious ones. Now you can play detective and look at everything with a suspicious mind. But who wants to live that way though?

Intelligent and commited partners, stay tuned into the relationship. They are aware of the pulse of how both feel about each other. All too often, relationships are just left to drag on, and eventually dies,even though the partners are still physically present.

Remember to get the passion back in your life, by not letting this happen to you. Love is something too precious to just ignore.

About The Author

Udo Vieth is fast becoming an expert on love and relationships, as well as being a qualified EFT and Biofeedback practitioner. Look at for more information.

IRS reworks whistleblower program (Baltimore Sun)Centralized system set to launch in August to process tips on tax cheaters Facing new criticism, the Internal Revenue Service is revamping its program of rewarding people who turn in their friends, ex-spouses and colleagues for tax cheating.

Keep an eye on husband, slain woman allegedly told classmate (Detroit Free Press)A woman who worked at the same hospital as an Okemos doctor accused of killing his young wife in 1968 said in court today that the woman asked her to keep an eye on Dr. C. William Mercer Jr. and ?who he might be seeing.?

Husband wants me dead, neighbor says she was told (Detroit Free Press)MASON -- Prosecutors slogged through a tangle of still-keen recollections, faded memories, gossip and news reports Monday at a court hearing in Sally Mercer's death 38 years ago.

Friend: Doctor threatened wife, child (Detroit News)MASON -- On the day she died in 1968, a distraught Sally Mercer shared a secret with a friend, the friend testified Monday.

posted by femme_in_love at 1:11 AM 0 comments

Infidelity Investigation, Warning Signs of Wife Infidelity And How to Catch The Cheater

Definition of Infidelity

According to the dictionary, infidelity means unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, and in layman terms this simply means that your girlfriend / wife or your boyfriend/husband could be cheating on you for someone else. No marriage, no matter how rich, religious, political or powerful, is immune to the threat of unfaithfulness, so say experts who give advice on how to survive infidelity.

Relationship Infidelity

Infidelity in a marriage or in relationship is a bitter pill to swallow. Not simply because we strive to make our relationships thrive and survive in an all-challenging world, but because nobody, including you, can live along successfully with this lie! Infidelity in relationship can happen to you!.

Relationship infidelity is cruel and shows no mercy to the one left out in the cold. It doesn't really matter if you are married or attached, it is a symbol of the worst destruction to your life and soul which is yet to unleash to the unexpecting you. This cheating infidelity is a symbolic of having your deepest fears and doubts exposed.

Do you know that there was a poll conducted to the Americans during the President Clinton;s "intern" scandal? These infidelity statistics obtained were somewhat shocking

22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to having sexual relations or infidelity adultery outside their marriage sometime in the past.

About 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair at some point in some marriage, according to "Monogamy Myth", Therapist Peggy Vaugn.

5 percent of married men and 3 percent of married women reported having sex with someone other than their spouse in a sexual infidelity survey conducted on 1997.

17 percent divorces in the United States are caused by marital infidelity.

Is your lover playing cheat on you at the time of reading this?

If you were to confront your lovers at "point blank", it will definitely jeopardize your current relationship. No matter what sort of hardship you are facing now suspecting your lover of relationship infidelity, there are often the smarter ways on how you would determine your case to be true. Surely there must be some ways to put your mind at ease for once and for all if you suspect that your spouse is cheating you for another man.

How to catch a cheater

Here are the smart ways to detect signs of wife infidelity. Remember, the future of your relationship could depend on your ability to spot the telltale signs in time.

Sudden good appearance:

First impressions always count. Remember when the days you met each other, you would normally go all out to dress up, being sensitive to your attire/wardrobe, even your personal grooming to that you would look nice in front of each other? Well, the fact that these things do happen to each if not most of us, it is often the best telltale sign on whether your partner is trying to impress or attract someone.

Is your partner treating you differently?

When your partner is involved with someone else, it is often than not your partner will start to treat you differently from how he/she used to. Even on the subconscious level, this could be detrimental to your current relationship. Hence, it is easy for you to pick up this alarming sign when the time comes.

A new mood of conversation?

Let's say your wife used to talk about cooking and spend most of her time in front of her cookery and gadgets, then suddenly you notice a sudden swing of mood in her. She now talks about grooming, talks about cars, or even start to dabble with wine or alcohol which she never used to. Well, ask yourself, could there be someone else who might be influencing her? Could the stuff that she normally talks about, places that she normally goes relate to the person she's hiding from you?

More overtime?

Let's face it. How many of us who are working for people would rather stay in the office till wee hours than slouching ourselves in front of the idiot box (TV)? Your partner would normally drives back home at close to 6 o'clock in the evening. Eventually at 7 o'clock, 8.30 pm, 10 or even not going back home? is a well known understanding that your lover's working habits will undoubtly change as her affair unfolds. Be on the lookout for work-related tell tale signs.

No time! No time! No time!

Just as infidelity cost your partner money, it may as well ended up causing your lovers time. Remember that we are all granted by God only 24 hours a day. So it's not surprising that your partner would try to steal the time away from you just to be with her lover.

Business traveling.

Travelling for business is the most common excuses for the cheating lovers as well as being the best getaway from you. Even if your lover really on business traveling, it is often the best practice to afford a cheating lover a chance to literally sway away from you.

Telephone conversion behaviour

More often than not, illicit affairs often take place through the phone. Many foolish lovers take the risk of calling their partners at home or having their partners call them at home. Much to my surprise, many husbands ended up discovering their partners- infidelity either directly or indirectly by the telephone.

Your dwindling sex life

Let's face it. The moment your partner goes after her secret lover, do you think she might be interest in you? What more in having sex with you? God knows how attractive the secret lover to her. So it's crucial for you to be on alert for any type of changes or frequency of your sex life together.

Smell like an animal!

Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. At first, you might not notice it, but when the time comes, you would feel completely different smell or taste. Remember that every lovers out there would do anything to make their first impression better? It could be their bodily smell or cologne which may attract to each other which is the reason behind the change of smell. Friendly advice, be on close guard. This is a warning sign for you.

Invasion of your home:

It's quite common for your partner to end up with her lover in your home. When this happens, pay close attention to all the items or belongings which were left behind. Scour and collect these crucial evidence in everywhere in your house that you could possible imagine.

Gifts but not from you?

At times you would end up finding a gifts which were not from you. Look out for these telltale signs especially near Valentine's day or Christmas. If they are not from you, then who else?

Email usage

What does it tell you that all of a sudden you see your partner having an interest in using the computer? What else does this indicate when she's using more emails than she is talking to you? Chances are this may as well indicate the involvement of her online or cyber affair. Don't take this lightly as most of the time these affairs can be detrimental to your marriage. Emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and could progress from cyberspace to physical reality.

Sudden spike of handphone bills.

With the advent of technology advancement in telecommunications, it's no wonder that life has been easier for both you and your partner to communicate at any point of time. But beware, this could also be a great opportunity for your partner to stay in touch of her secret lover.

The physical evidence waiting to be found.

Most of the time the physical evidence indication of your lover's secret life can be easily found in front of your eyes. When your partner is not available, check her handbags, her wastepaper basket, her filling cabinets, drawers, or any other sort of place you could think of. Keep your eyes open. With luck, you could find yourself a new sets of physical evidence of infidelity you can find.

How would your partner behave in front of others?

Studies and reports have indicated that most men will likely have an affair with someone he already knows, either from the women he normally comes in contact with, or even business associates. Try to be observant, as at times your partner may behave strangely in front of these people.

*You have permission to publish this article in your ezine or on your website, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

About The Author

Being the victim of infidelity himself, Sunny Tan proves to you that being cheated by your spouse is not the end of the world. Read on how you are able to catch your cheating spouse by using common household items, detecting your lying spouse and how to use this opportunity to whip yourself back into shape and spin the situation to your benefit in his surviving infidelity newsletter at Find out more on how you can whip out some tactics in surviving your infidelity on his blog at

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posted by femme_in_love at 12:56 AM 0 comments